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- Create Date December 3, 2020
- Last Updated December 3, 2020
Christmas Day 2016. Many were just sitting down to dinner when the news came through. One of the most famous stars of his generation had passed away. Aged just fifty-three, George Michael,
golden boy of the 1980s and international superstar for the whole of his adult life, had been found dead in bed at his home in Goring-onThames, Oxfordshire, yet another high-profile death in what had been an extraordinary year.
Ever since the singer David Bowie had died at the beginning of 2016, a roll call of the musical greats had seemed to follow suit: Prince, Leonard Cohen, Earth, Wind & Fire founder Maurice White, Beatles producer George Martin, Keith Emerson, Merle Haggard— the list seemed to go on and on. Many more famous figures from other walks of life, including the writer Harper Lee, the actor Alan Rickman, the Egyptian politician Boutros Boutros-Ghali and numerous others had gone, too, which, allied to a series of earthshattering world events in the political sphere—Brexit, the election of Donald Trump, ructions in the Eurozone and the ongoing turmoil in the Middle East—had seemed to be changing the very nature of the